Saturday, September 15, 2007

So I've been pretty bad at this whole blogging thing...

But I'm going to try to get better.

Now that I have a new computer that can actually keep up with me maybe I'll have better luck!

Today I have two sittings followed by another one tomorrow morning. I'm glad. I'm so ready to be creative, I was really bummed when my sitting from last week was reschedule to this weekend. And I can tell I need to get out and do something, my children are driving me nuts and it has nothing to do with them, it is me.

Today I am also 10 weeks pregnant. 1/4 of the way there. The first trimester is such a love/hate time for me. I love the fact that I'm pregnant but we lost our first baby ever in the first trimester and so it is 13 weeks of holding me breath and praying, praying really, really hard.

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